You Don’t Need It – Stickers

You Don't Need It Sticker

Based on the popularity of the Packard Jennings and the Anti-Advertising Agency’s Bus Stop Bench project we had some stickers made. They are easy to carry around town and by placing the stickers onto advertising (or other objects) the ad is detourned, often in humorous and interesting ways.

Listen to Steve Lambert talk about the “You Don’t Need It” sticker on National Public Radio.

We’ve received some photo reports back from people like you the field (see below). If you’d like a free set of stickers, send a self address stamped business envelope to:

Steve Lambert/Anti-Advertising Agency
P.O. Box 543
Beacon, NY 12508

You can also download an eps file of the sticker and make your own (you can leave out the AAA logo if you want).

En Español.

Note: I can put 5 in an envelope without an extra stamp. If you want more, send extra stamps. If you want to send a little donation too, that’s fine – we’ll use them to make a whole new sticker that’s in the works. If you want the spanish version too, I can send them out and they are always free. All I ask is that you send me back some photos of where you placed them.

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  1. adman says:

    cool! an ad for yourselves!

  2. Adman, please see our FAQ.

  3. Taras says:

    I think the “we don’t need you” sums it up, I think this is quite patronising towards the public. They know they don’t need it, and those that don’t realise it aren’t going to ponder a sticker..

  4. Sara says:

    Taras, it is good to be reminded. There are plenty of other forces out there telling us otherwise.

  5. Sarah says:

    wonderful idea!

  6. […] the Anti-Advertising Agency in their campaign against…advertising. [via] No Comments so far Leave a comment RSS feed for comments on this post. TrackBack URI […]

  7. […] “You don’t need it” stickers for adverts, including an EPS file of the sticker for you to print your own. […]

  8. Esther Gonçalves says:

    Amazing think!

    How I obtain adhesives here in Brazil?

  9. Esther Gonçalves says:

    How I obtain adhesives here in Brazil?

  10. […] annoyed with silly ads on your commute or in your city? show your disapproval with stickers produced by the anti-advertising agency! […]

  11. […] utilizan las mismas técnicas y creatividad que se usa en la publicidad. Este es el caso de “You don´t need it” (No lo necesitas). Se trata de una campaña basada en la distribución de etiquetas […]

  12. Omnifrog says:

    haha, I love it!

  13. paul merrill says:

    This is just the way coolest idea!!

    And I love how you put the trackbacks at the bottom of your comments section, rather than mixing them in with the real comments.

  14. Jenny says:

    Why would someone put these on water dispensers? I think it dilutes the power of the message, given that, actually, we DO need to drink water.

  15. DeliD says:

    I am confused on how vandalism and graffiti is good.

  16. @DeliD – I am confused on what exactly you mean.

  17. DeliD says:


    Do you really think encouraging vandalism is going to help anything? I see enough junk on the streets, I don’t need to see more junk stuck on top of it. I look at the pictures on your site and can’t help but role my eyes. I agree with your points, but graffiti isn’t the answer.

    • sahar says:

      Deli, I think it isnt vandalism, it is a transient remedy, it isnt for long time. It is kind of Critical Design. with this sticker we want to say it is enough, stop it.

  18. @DeliD – so what is the answer?

  19. dio says:


    perhaps a hobby. have you considered knitting?

  20. Kakariki says:

    @dio knitters do graffiti too. I reckon cross stitch is the solution.

  21. That_Guy says:

    ….so, the streets are full of useless ads and you want us to believe filling them full of ads and stickers is a good thing. This kind of protest is always pointless. Try not buying the crap. Turn off your tv and log off your PC.

  22. Amos says:

    Why should we roll over and let advertisers do whatever they want? Vandalism by another name is people taking an active role in creating the messages that fill our public spaces. Of course these stickers aren’t going to change the world, but they will add to the amount of people taking an active role in their society instead of being a passive consumer or dropping out. Take back the streets!

  23. Gino says:

    I wish there really was a way to opt out of advertising: junk mail, spam, Internet ads on every page, billboards, magazine inserts, newspapers, radio, television (even cable!), roadsigns, store displays, political signs, ads painted on cars, the doctor’s office, on and on. Caller ID, DoNotCall List(doesn’t apply to politicians) the TV mute button, TIVO, junk mail & pop-up blockers, MP3 players – they help but not much.

  24. […] got a small pack of stickers from The Anti-Advertising Agency. A guy named Steve Lambert made them and he’ll give some out to anyone who asks and sends […]

  25. mairo kägu says:


  26. kat says:

    I love this idea. Is it possible for New Yorkers to stop by and pick up stickers, and save all the back-and-forth postage?

  27. @Kat, sure, you can come by Eyebeam. Just send me an email so I can make sure I’m there when you come.

    540 W. 21st St.
    New York, NY 10011

  28. Rick says:

    Could you make stickers that tell me what i DO need?

    Clearly, I can’t think for myself. Thank you for clarifying what I shouldn’t buy.

    • I could also use stickers on things that I shouldn’t touch, like hot stoves and sharp things.
  29. Resist Evil says:

    While I do feel that companies paying for adspace deserve the right to freely promote their materials, I also think that this campaign is Totally Sweet.

  30. justin says:

    i like how some here are saying ‘they know they don’t need it’ – no, they don’t. you have too much faith in humanity folks. i think it’s a great commentary and a refreshing change to the usual stream of bs we’re told we have to buy. the point is not that we’re being patronized because we’re told we don’t need it, the point is it’s a counterattack to being patronized by the ads themselves.

  31. Bob says:

    While I don’t have a broomstick in my rear about vandalism, how is the glue on these? It does further clutter one’s visual field especially if it’s as permanent as the ads. Anyway legally if you’re caught in the act there will be a problem with the “authorities” right?

  32. […] was the activist approach – pasting these “You don’t need it” stickers from the Anti-Advertising Agency on all the billboards and taking a picture, and perhaps contacting the agency handling Haleeb […]

  33. Lillie says:

    My envelopes are in the mail !!! Send as many as you can !!!

    You would make Bill Hicks proud Steve !!


  34. […] The Anti-Advertising Agency has come up with a way to remind us. […]

  35. David says:

    Monkey see monkey buy…

  36. larry Langner says:

    Hi Steve, I googled the phrase “you don’t need it” ’cause living in Paris, France it seems people are overwhelmed by consumerism and fashion and at the same time are griping about the price of staples such as food. I figure cutting back on non-essentials and overpriced name brand products families could more easily afford the products which they do really need and at the same time free themselves from being victims of advertising and marketing. If you would you would make up some stickers in French I would be happy to help promote your idea. For years I’ve been hand-making red, white and blue flags and placing them in dog poop that dog owners fail to clean up. Seems to have helped in my area and people do get a chuckle. In French “you don’t need it!!” translates “vous n’avez pas besoin.” I’d be happy to help pay some of the costs for production/mailing. Please contact me. Good Luck and Thanks.

  37. Opie says:

    This is an awesome way to release sigils into the world that help the struggle of the masses instead of brainwashing them. I can really get behind this.

  38. […] Encourage anti-consumerism with the Anti-Advertising Agency’s “You don’t need it” stickers: […]

  39. mike h. says:

    hi i like your site but how about: turn off destroy your tv’s and cmputers … and take back your streets!

  40. […] pode conseguir esses stickers aqui [só para os Estados Unidos] ou você pode fazê-los, o que eu acho uma idéia melhor ainda. O […]

  41. aldhaferi says:

    […] was the activist approach – pasting these “You don’t need it” stickers from the Anti-Advertising Agency on all the billboards and taking a picture, and perhaps contacting the agency handling Haleeb […]

  42. SparkyPsychadelia says:

    Give us art for free, not things to sell to you or me.

  43. […] Steve Lambert/Anti-Advertising Agency c/o Eyebeam OpenLab 540 W.21st ST. New York, NY 10011 [Via AntiAdvertisingAgency] […]

  44. sam says:

    haha excellent this is just what i’ve had in mind…
    you still making these?

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