Introducing our newest contributor, Jordan Seiler! Jordan usually writes over at Public Ad Campaign and is a primary driver behind an AAA associated project, Jordan is known for his unabashed position on reclaiming advertising space for art. He not only calls for civil disobedience, but follows through in his own actions. For the past few months Jordan’s site has been must-read material. Rather than repost it all here, I asked Jordan to give the readers of the AAA periodic updates of what he’s writing about, looking at, and working on. Welcome Jordan! –Steve Lambert
1-By producing a piece of illegal art in front of students, I hope to give them both the tools and the confidence to be able to go out and re-imagine the public environment they live in on their own terms. [LINK]

Winter Weave-Easter
2-Are outdoor advertisement companies paying for your protection? They’d like you to think so. Find out what London is up to and how it’s strikingly similar to New York. [LINK]
3-If Fire safety doesn’t warrant supergraphic removal, what does? LA’s ongoing battle with outdoor signage has reached new heights. [LINK]
More at Ban Billboard Blight
4-A valentine greeting you can’t buy. These are the kind of uplifting and personal messages you get instead of advertising when you allow the public access to its visual environment on all levels. [LINK]
5-Why can’t we be on Brian Lehrer Live? Cause we’re vandals. When CUNY can’t entertain socially minded civil disobedience, something is broken. [LINK]
PublicAdCampaign’s Recent Five
Introducing our newest contributor, Jordan Seiler! Jordan usually writes over at Public Ad Campaign and is a primary driver behind an AAA associated project, Jordan is known for his unabashed position on reclaiming advertising space for art. He not only calls for civil disobedience, but follows through in his own actions. For the past few months Jordan’s site has been must-read material. Rather than repost it all here, I asked Jordan to give the readers of the AAA periodic updates of what he’s writing about, looking at, and working on. Welcome Jordan! –Steve Lambert
1-By producing a piece of illegal art in front of students, I hope to give them both the tools and the confidence to be able to go out and re-imagine the public environment they live in on their own terms. [LINK]
Winter Weave-Easter
2-Are outdoor advertisement companies paying for your protection? They’d like you to think so. Find out what London is up to and how it’s strikingly similar to New York. [LINK]
3-If Fire safety doesn’t warrant supergraphic removal, what does? LA’s ongoing battle with outdoor signage has reached new heights. [LINK]
More at Ban Billboard Blight
4-A valentine greeting you can’t buy. These are the kind of uplifting and personal messages you get instead of advertising when you allow the public access to its visual environment on all levels. [LINK]
5-Why can’t we be on Brian Lehrer Live? Cause we’re vandals. When CUNY can’t entertain socially minded civil disobedience, something is broken. [LINK]