We are not an advertising agency

I get a few emails a year from people asking us for rates. I know it says “Advertising Agency” in the name, but some people just don’t read any further. I suppose I should be honored that our parody of the industry gets past some people. Usually I ask them to have a closer look at the site and make sure they have the right person. Most never write back. Some politely apologize. This one seemed a little stressed and got really mad…

From: Stephanie Tate
Subject: From AAA Contact Form: Ad rates
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 4:54 PM

Can you please send me your ad rates for street teams?

From: Steve Lambert
Subject: Re: From AAA Contact Form: Ad rates
To: Stephanie Tate
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 5:04 PM

please look at our site a second time.



Steve Lambert, CEO
the Anti-Advertising Agency

From: Stephanie Tate
Subject: Re: From AAA Contact Form: Ad rates
To: Steve Lambert
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 7:41 PM

The page keeps crashing. Can you just tell me your ad rates? I don’t have time for these little games.
[note: there were no other reports of problems with the site]

From: Steve Lambert
Subject: Re: From AAA Contact Form: Ad rates
To: Stephanie Tate
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 8:24 PM

I really think you need to better understand what we do. You’ll learn you’re actually wasting my time.


Steve Lambert, CEO
the Anti-Advertising Agency

From: Stephanie Tate
Subject: Re: From AAA Contact Form: Ad rates
To: Steve Lambert
Date: October 24, 2008 6:19:40 PM EDT

Wow! Well, for your information, it isn’t clear on your website what you offer and I was looking for clarification not arrogance. I can’t believe you had the nerve to speak to me like that. EXTREMELY UNPROFESSIONAL! I would never work with you. Good bye!

From: Stephanie Tate
Subject: Re: From AAA Contact Form: Ad rates
To: Steve Lambert
Date: October 24, 2008 6:23:15 PM EDT

Don’t bother responding to my previous email, you have been blocked. Thanks for nothing!!! You have wasted my time!!

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  1. sam says:


  2. James David says:

    “I don’t have time for these little games.” Now if that’s not the apex of professionalism, I don’t know what is. Thanks for the laugh!

  3. Miss Tate is indeed an imbecile, but I have the same problem she does.
    For some reason, Internet explorer will not load AAA’s page for me, it keeps crashing.
    Its like this on the 3 different PC’s I use.

    This was the final straw, I use Firefox exclusively now.

  4. silvi says:

    well… keep on smiling. i meet a lot of people like her “by email” (at work). its a mess sometimes. keeps me smiling every time. :-)

  5. @Guy – I stand corrected! Working on it now.

  6. Andrea Hill says:

    I would never work with you.

    Wow, what a threat.. considering you’d just informed her that you didn’t have a rate card and wouldn’t work with HER..

  7. Dip says:

    Brilliant. Some people are dense beyond belief. You should send a copy of this email to her empolyer and maybe she will join the other thousands of people who will be out of a job this year. Love the site.

  8. […] We are not an advertising agency […]

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