Product Placement in Music

Last month Jeff Crouse received an email from Adam Kluger asking if Jeff wanted his fake, Second Life sweatshop “Double Happiness Jeans” featured in the lyrics of a Pussycat Dolls song. Jeff wrote back a hilarious response.

Then Kluger threatened us with a lawsuit for… well, whatever straws were in reach.

You can read about it on the Wired Listening Post blog, boingboing, Radar Online, techdirt, and Gawker due to the Streisand effect.

If this has peaked your interest in the relationship between marketing and music, check out Emily Gallagher’s pieces from last year So Happy Together and So Happy Together Part 2: Show Me the Money.

UPDATE: A representative from Adam Kluger Public Relations in New York City ( contacted to say that there should also be no confusion over the fact that their New York City based PR Firm, founded by a former television producer (CNN, FOX), also coincidentally named Adam Kluger, is not involved in this issue in any way and should not be confused with the Adam Kluger quoted above in this article.

I am especially sensitive to the other Adam Kluger’s predicament because I too have the same name as some folks with unfortunate histories like this minister and a paralyzed motorcyclist (which is a little chilling given that I’ve ridden motorcycles for around 10 years.) So let me say it clearly, there are two Adam Kluger’s in the PR industry. Only one has threatened to sue us in order to take down information on our site.

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