from Jordan at Public Ad Campaign
[The] New York Times has an article in the business section about what is now commonly referred to as out-of-home media. “The term has been changed to reflect the expansion into places like, airports, offices, malls, schools and health clubs, where the ads are inside but not inside the home.” writes Stuart Elliott. If you’d like to know about how outdoor advertising (billboards-phone kiosks etc.) is changing and adapting to the consumers ability to avoid traditional media, while entering more and more of our public/private spaces, this is a good read.
Unfortunately, the article misses that most ads we see in cities are illegal.
Look at the printed version below (more images) or online.

NYT: You Are Here (And Probably Seeing an Ad)
from Jordan at Public Ad Campaign
Unfortunately, the article misses that most ads we see in cities are illegal.
Look at the printed version below (more images) or online.