Free Laser Cut Stencils

Yes, 100% free!

You Don't Need It Laser Stencil You Don't Need It Laser Stencil 2
Thanks to Eyebeam’s OpenLab, we can make available free laser cut stencils of our You Don’t Need It sticker. Of course, you can always make your own, but it sure is easier to get them in the mail. Read on for details…

Send a note with your request and 3 first class stamps (this is the updated postal rate starting 6/07) – yes, just stamps, NOT a self addressed stamped envelope, just stamps – to:

Steve Lambert

c/o Eyebeam
540 W. 21st St.
New York, NY 10011

We’re relocating! Will be out of touch through mid September 2010. After that we’ll start to be available again to give these away. Please subscribe to out RSS feed and check back later.

Why just stamps? The stencil will only fit in a specific sized envelope, which, odds are, most people don’t have. So it’s easier if you send stamps that we can affix to the proper envelope.

Why is it free? Becuase we care.

(looking for a simple pdf?)

Made in the Eyebeam OpenLab.

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  1. daniel says:

    You rock! Big Respect from Berlin… Would order a stencil of yours, but i think it’s too expensive to send it to Europe….You can bring some next time you are in Berlin….until then i’ll cut it by myself…



  2. Aza says:

    how much to send to u.k?

  3. imbrilliant. says:

    why thank you,
    thats rather nice of you.

  4. Pink says:

    Haha. Great action! Keep it up!

  5. kufufl says:

    steve – very nice way to spread the word – if i pop down the post office and check the cost of the postage from the york to the land of oz (crikey) could you nice folks pop one in a post box. it will be put to good use on the streets of melbourne, with your blessing .

  6. st.ephen says:

    awesome, i too have stickers and DIY culture jam items…

  7. david in DC says:

    Got my stencil today–a lovely piece of mail to recieve.

    Best Regards,

  8. Jemma says:

    I’m from Oz-tralia too but the west coast – Perth.
    Am studying Mass Communication and I dig what you’re doing.
    I posted the link on my uni website for the others to get inspired too.
    I edit an e-zine for Fremantle Environmental Resource Network (sustainability education) and pop cool pics from the web in from time to time. Might like to credit the bus stop bench work –
    Can I get a stencil to Australia too?

  9. Mike says:

    Great stuff, im in Canada and thinks this is a great idea. I gonna see if i can’t get some stencils and stamps myself.

  10. cold says:

    thanks for the idea. ive always wanted to do something about all those annoying advertisments

  11. Nate says:

    So, how much would I need to send under the new postal rates? I really love both the idea and the offer, by the way.

  12. Matt says:

    Could you put up a jpg or similar so taht those of us halfway round the world can just print it off?

  13. @Matt:
    Added a link to the pdf.

  14. marcus says:

    hey folks!

    how much do i have to pay for, when i want you to send one to germany? :=)


  15. @marcus,
    Germany eh? Send me some nice dark chocolate and we’ll send you back enough stencils and stickers, and we’ll get the shipping. –Steve

  16. cj says:


  17. @cj, yes. I just updated the postage amount too.

  18. Armand says:

    These stickers are great, I’m a huge fan of culture jamming. I’m actually the Editor of a small campus ‘zine at the University of Western Ontario in Canada and we would like to include one of these stickers with each issue. I know you ship these out free, but I would never ask for 1200 of anything for free lol. So I was wondering how much it would cost for about 1,200 of these stickers?

  19. @Armand, no problem, that’s why we give away the PDFs. I’ll email you…

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