Internet rogues are swashbuckling into your operating system using pirate-like advertising portals. These virus infested banner ads have been popping up on legitimate websites like and and reroute your browser, without clicking, to an antivirus website that automatically downloads harddrive scanning malware disguised as a flash file, trapping you in the site until you make a purchase.
The underground hackertising is believed to be run under the front AdTraff, a “legitimate business” with ties to the Russian Business Network, a server notorious for it’s internet thug amnesty. AdTraff pins websites during their most vulnerable moments at the end of the quarter, cashing in on the desperation of the lonely internet ad sale guy.
via Commerical Alert and wired magazine.
Pirate Ship 2.0
The underground hackertising is believed to be run under the front AdTraff, a “legitimate business” with ties to the Russian Business Network, a server notorious for it’s internet thug amnesty. AdTraff pins websites during their most vulnerable moments at the end of the quarter, cashing in on the desperation of the lonely internet ad sale guy.
via Commerical Alert and wired magazine.