Dear Stakeholders,
The Anti-Advertising Agency will make available it’s 2007 bi-annual report at The Lab during their Corporate Art Expo ’07. The digital slide presentation will outline the Agency’s projects from the past 2 years. We also have some take-away materials (stencils, stickers) available for guests.
Other artist borrowing corporate structures at the expo include: Acclair, C5 Corporation, Davis & Davis Research, Meaning Maker, Death and Taxes, Inc., Old Glory Condom Co., PP Valise, SubRosa, Slop Art, Training and Development Investigative Reporting Team, Tectonic Industries, and We Are War

Opening Reception – Friday, March 30, 6-9 PM
The Lab 2948 16th Street @ Capp. San Francisco CA
more information can be found here:
2007 Bi-annual Report at The Lab
Dear Stakeholders,
The Anti-Advertising Agency will make available it’s 2007 bi-annual report at The Lab during their Corporate Art Expo ’07. The digital slide presentation will outline the Agency’s projects from the past 2 years. We also have some take-away materials (stencils, stickers) available for guests.
Other artist borrowing corporate structures at the expo include: Acclair, C5 Corporation, Davis & Davis Research, Meaning Maker, Death and Taxes, Inc., Old Glory Condom Co., PP Valise, SubRosa, Slop Art, Training and Development Investigative Reporting Team, Tectonic Industries, and We Are War
Opening Reception – Friday, March 30, 6-9 PM
The Lab 2948 16th Street @ Capp. San Francisco CA
more information can be found here: