Ad Lib Poster Project

We printed 600 of these posters and distributed them to people saying, “This is your billboard. Thousands of people will see it everyday. What would you like to say to them?” Our “Ad Lib” poster campaign is meant to evoke interaction, response, and dialogue among the general public wherever the posters appear. Here are a few examples of what participants in our “Ad Lib” poster campaign would like to see in the place of outdoor advertising.

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  1. ianfurber says:

    This Ad Lib Poster Project is great! I am reminded of a REAL billposter that the West Australian health department put out, in the very early days of AIDS, of a great big pink condom, and the tag line: ‘IF IT’S NOT ON, IT’S NOT ON!’ How much fun one could have with a BUDGET!
    It is like the ‘speech bubble project’, where given the opportunity (an empty speech bubble, stuck next to someones picture on a street poster) to read someone else’s witticisms.

  2. Kandy Giles says:

    Great creative project for high schoolers!
    I’m using this in my art class and have written a cross-curriculum lesson for it!
    Thinking critically like this is how we should teachers our adolescents to express themselves through visual irony, satire, ridicule, obsurdity, and ridiculousness of our consumer based society.

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